Informácie o platbe / PAYMENT INFORMATION


Registračný poplatok: 45,- €

Číslo účtu: 4020750552 / 7500

Názov účtu : ASK VRANOV

Banka: ČSOB

IBAN : SK10 7500 0000 0040 2075 0552


Pri platbe za slot na účet, ďalej len "štartovné", uveďte prosím do informácii pre príjemcu svoje meno, priezvisko a ID strelca z registračného systému MOS. 

Deadline na zaplatenie štartovného prevodom na účet je 5.8.2016. Platba prijatá na účet po tomto termíne (štartovné) bude navýšená o poplatok 15€, splatný pri registrácii na preteku.

Výška štartovného, plateného v hotovosti v deň preteku je 60€.

Payment information

Payment for the slot in the match (further labeled also as "Entry Fee"): 45€ (via bank transfer) or 60€ (on the spot) ,

Entry-fee:45,- €

Account No: 4020750552 / 7500

Account owner: ASK VRANOV

Bank: ČSOB

IBAN : SK10 7500 0000 0040 2075 0552


In the field "Payment Details" fill in your name and registration symbol obtained during the registration process on MOS. This is important for transfer identification. If you pay on behalf of more shooters, please entry all numbers and names. If you are able to, please write down a name of a shooter to a notice. We kindly ask all competitors to pay the whole bank fee related to the wire transfer. In the field "Details Of Charges" choose "OUR". However, if some shortage happens, the difference between the starting fee and actual money received, has to be paid in cash at the shooting range. 

Deadline for entry fee payment (payment received on our account) is 5.8.2016! After this date, entry fee is 60 €, unpaid slot will be declared vacant and may be given to other shooter.

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